TBL Team Manager Corner

Team Manager Responsibilities

  1. All teams are expected to have a team manager. The team manager will be selected from one of the parents of the players rostered on that team.
  2. If no one volunteers to be a team manager, the head coach will appoint a parent and/or family to serve in this position.
  3. The team manager is responsible for the following:
  4. Assisting the coach in scheduling games.
  5. Securing game officials (referees) from approved referee list for practice, exhibition, and rescheduled league games.
  6. Securing minor game officials (score and timekeeper) which will be parents from the team’s roster.
  7. Handling the funds for team pictures. Page 9 of 11 Twin Bridges Lightning Rules and Regulations June 2019
  8. Collecting money from players/parents from fund-raisers.
  9. Their team members and parents are following rules ensuring proper conduct.
  10. Contacting the Division Commissioner (if appointed) on all team matters.
  11. Coordinating team travel to other cities for games and tournaments. (hotel, travel permit, etc)
  12. Handling ice rink damages that may occur and report any such damage to the Board of Directors.
  13. Communicating TBL policies to the coaches and parents.
  14. Appoint or act as team reporter for the news releases.
  15. Assisting the head coach and staff with any paperwork necessary to the team’s organization.
  16. Attend Board of Directors meetings when possible.

Team Manager Requirements

  1. Accept Team Manager invitation in Crossbar.
  2. All team managers MUST register with USA Hockey as "Manager/Volunteer" at: https://membership.usahockey.com/
  3. All team managers must complete Safesport Training at: https://www.usahockey.com/safesportprogram
  4. All team managers must complete a Background Check at: https://www.usahockey.com/backgroundscreen. This is required every 2 years and there is a $30 cost. Please submit your proof of payment to the Business Managers for reimbursement.

How To Enter Games and Scores In Crossbar

  1. For 10U managers and above, you are required to enter your games scored to Missouri Hockey. See this link for instructions.

Important Dates

  • Declaration Season Scheduling Opens
  • September 9th
  • Declaration Season Scheduling Closes
  • September 12th
  • Declaration Season Begins
  • September 17th
  • Regular Season Scheduling Meetings
  • Sept 7th 10U coach/manager meeting on zoom
  • Sept 8th 12U-18U coach/manager meeting on zoom
  • Regular Season Scheduling Opens
  • October 28th 10U-14U
  • Regular Season Scheduling Closes
  • November 1st 10U-14U
  • Regular Season Games Begin
  • November 6th 10U-14U
  • Last Day to Reschedules Games With No Fee
  • November 30th
  • Last Day for 16-18U Games
  • January 29th
  • 16U-18U Midget Playdown
  • February 7-9
  • Last Day for 10U-14U regular games
  • February 16th
  • Blue Note Cup Playdown Weekend
  • February 20-23 10U-14U
  • Blue Note Cup Championship Weekend
  • March 1-2


Declaration season is played to determine what playing level teams should be placed in for the Youth Division Regular Season league play. 10U, 12U and 14U teams will participate in the Declaration Season.

There will be 3 Phases: 

Phase 1 - 10U - Sept. 17th - Oct. 11th - teams play 3 games against opponents of their choice.

12U & 14U - Sept. 20th - Oct. 22th - teams play 4 games against opponents of their choice.

Phase 2 - Squirt 10U Declaration Festival Weekends

Oct. 12th - Oct. 13th - 10U C3, C2, C1 and B3 teams will play games as assigned by the MAIHA-YD Commissioners. Game hosts TBD.

Oct. 19th- Oct. 20th - 10U B2, B1, A3, A2 and A1 teams will play games as assigned by the MAIHA-YD Commissioners. Game hosts TBD.

Phase 3 - Oct. 23rd - Oct. 26th- Teams may be asked to play additional games by commissioner to determine final team placement.

Team Manager Links

Tournament Information and Links

  • Big Bear Tournaments: https://www.bigbeartournaments.com/
  • My Hockey Tournaments: https://www.myhockeytournaments.com/
  • Ultimate Hockey Tournaments: https://ultimatetournaments.com/
  • Synergy Hockey Tournaments: https://www.synergytournaments.com/pond-hockey-showdown
  • Heartland Hockey: https://www.hockeyintheheartland.com/
  • USA Hockey Tournaments: https://www.usahockey.com/tournaments
  • Hockey Time Productions: https://www.itshockeytime.com/
  • One Hockey: https://www.onehockey.com/
  • TCS Hockey Tournaments: https://www.tcshockey.com/

Team/Game Information

  1. You can use the TBL Avery Label account to make team stickers for your scoresheets. Please use: businessmanager@tblhockey.com, PW:tblbusiness2024
  2. https://www.avery.com/
  3. Here are instructions for the score clocks at EAIA, Granite City Ice Rink and RP Lumber Center:

TBL Locker Room Policy

TBL is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all of our members both on and off the ice. As part of this commitment, TBL has compiled a list of activities that are deemed detrimental to both TBL and its respective teams. Any detrimental conduct occurring in the locker rooms, in or around the rink, face to face or via verbal and/or written communications between player/player, player/coach, player/parent or coach/parent will be reported immediately to the respective R&D Committee Representative.

This report must be completed and submitted in writing on the R&D Complaint form that is available on our web site, from your team manager or directly from the R&D Committee. The R&D Committee will investigate all complaints submitted to them and present their findings to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors will then make a ruling based on the findings of the R&D Committee. These rulings can result in player, coach and/or parent disciplinary actions including but not limited to:

1) Short term suspension from the team (for player and/or coaches)

2) Long term suspensions from the team (for players and coaches)

3) Removal from the team for the remainder of the season (for players and coaches)

4) Termination from the membership of TBL (for players and coaches)

5) Short term suspension from USA Hockey Events (parents)

6) Long term suspension from USA Hockey Events (parents)

Detrimental Activities include but are not limited to:

1) Verbal harassment

2) Physical harassment

3) “Locker Boxing”

4) Failure to follow the below policy on mixed gender locker rooms

Findings and or disciplinary actions by the R&D Committee can be appealed to the board of directors following the process outlined in the club by laws.

TBL Mixed Gender Policy

It is not acceptable under USA Hockey/Missouri Hockey By-Laws – Policies on Physical and Sexual Abuse – for members to be observing the opposite gender while they dress/undress. (Page 11 of 11 Twin Bridges Lightning Rules and Regulations June 2019)

To provide an enjoyable and safe experience for all players, please make certain that proper adult supervision is present in locker room settings at all times, including the provision for having more than one adult supervisor present in the locker room, and arrange to provide supervisors who are of the same sex as the children they are to protect. (‘In the locker room’ means being inside the locker room and/or standing right outside the door, not at the concession stand or somewhere nearby in the lobby area).

Please follow these Coaching Ethics Guidelines:

a) Where possible, have the male and female players undress/dress in separate locker rooms; then convene in a single dressing room to hold the coach’s pre-game meeting.

b) Once the game is finished, hold the coach’s post game meeting; then have the male and female players proceed to their separate dressing rooms to undress and shower.

c) In cases where separate facilities are not available, have one gender enter the locker room and change into their uniforms, that gender would then leave the locker room, while the other gender enters the locker room and gets dressed. Both genders would then assemble in the locker room and hold the coach’s pre-game meeting.

d) Following the game and the coach’s post game meeting, where separate facilities are not available, the second gender group enters the locker room and undresses/showers, while the first group waits outside until they have undressed/shower and left the room. Once the second group leaves, the first group enters the locker room and undresses/showers. This should be done on a rotating basis (taking turns) so neither gender is always “last” to dress/undress and shower. Taking turns is a means of ‘reasonable accommodation’ so neither gender group is favored.

e) Have a minimum attire policy of sharing one locker room. All players should be required to arrive at the rink wearing their base layers or shorts and t-shirts under their street clothes. All members of the team must have the minimum attire before entering a co-ed locker room so that no player of one gender has the opportunity to see players of the opposite gender in a state of dress/undress.

Reinforce to all players, coaches, officials, volunteers and parents at the beginning of each season at your organization’s parent’s meetings that your organization takes this issue seriously and has adopted a fair and equitable Co-Ed Locker Room Policy.

Team Fundraising Policy

In operating and providing for individual team activities, the coaching staff, team representatives, and parents may choose to collect funds for the benefit of their team.

In most cases, the funds collected should be equally assessed.

The team account will be under the organization of the Team Manager.

All funds should be used/disbursed in that playing season.

Team fund raising activities involving general, raffles, bake sales, car washes, etc. These activities should involve all members.

No team fund raising activity shall conflict with fund raising activities operated by the TBL organization in general.

Parents and guardians should be aware that supporting their team’s fundraising activities does not release them from support of association’s activities.

Emily Diveley

Business Manager


Brooke Severt

Business Manager


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